How to Fix Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login Issue

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Are you facing Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login Issue? Don’t fret as you are on the right page. In this blog, you’ll come to know how to fix Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login issue and why it happens. However, before you begin with Lowes credit card login, you must have quick and easy access to the official site/login app’s page. The Lowe’s Advantage Credit Card login problem occurs because QuickBooks does not currently allow online banking connections. Moreover, users can’t perform things like track records or do online banking because this card isn’t supported. Continue reading this blog to know more about the error.

Why does Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login Issue Occur?

Synchrony Bank offers a number of benefits, like the Lowes credit card, which is considered to be really advantageous. Lowes credit cards can help you save money on your house and improve your business margins. On the other hand, credit card benefits are only obtained when the card is used in a timely manner and avoids some financial charges. Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login Issue generally occurs when QuickBooks is used for internet banking connections. Because this card isn’t supported, users can’t perform things like track records or do online banking.

Steps for Fix Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login Issue?

Make sure the login credentials are correct and functional before you sync a bank account with QuickBooks. If you are still unable to log in, try the following options to resolve the Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login issue:

Total Time: 35 minutes

Send Request to Add the Bank

When you have a problem with your bank card login, you must submit a request to add this bank. To do so, follow these steps:
🔹 To begin, launch QuickBooks and go to the dashboard
🔹 Then go to the banking section
🔹 Then select “Add account” from the drop-down menu
🔹 Enter your bank’s name or URL in the “Enter your bank name or URL” field
🔹 And then press the Enter key
🔹 Select “Request support for URL bank” from the drop-down menu
🔹 Fill in the “Bank Web Address” field (URL)
🔹 Finally, select the “Request” button.

Try to Import the Transactions Manually

WebConnect can be used to manually import Transactions. You must first log into your bank’s website and obtain a WebConnect file before continuing (CSV, QFX, QBO, and OFX).
🔹 Go to the Banking section of the menu
🔹 If there is no bank connected to QBO, choose File Upload from the Update drop-down option or Upload Transactions Manually
🔹 Select the downloaded file by clicking Browse
🔹 Press the “Next” button after selecting Lowe’s Advantage
🔹 To map the fields, follow the on-screen instructions 
🔹 Choose the transaction you want to import
🔹 After done with that, select the “Yes” button
🔹 Finally, press the “Let’s go” button.


We have gathered all the information that you need to know about Lowes Synchrony Bank Card Login Issue. After going through the suggested solutions, you’ll be able to address this issue. In case you face difficulty or are unable to resolve the error, reach out to our QuickBooks Helpdesk team.


What are the steps involved in entering the credit card transactions in QuickBooks?

In only three steps, you can easily enter credit card transactions. Simply perform the below steps:
🔸 Create a credit card account and a payment method
🔸 Select a payment option and a credit card account
🔸 Click the Save button after entering the expense information.

What to do if I receive error code 103 when trying to sync the bank again within QuickBooks?

If you receive an QuickBooks error code 103 which means the login credentials you enter in QuickBooks are not accepted by the bank. Many banks are supported with QuickBooks Online, including Lowe’s Synchrony bank accounts. To get your bank to sync with QuickBooks, make sure your bank login credentials are valid.

How do I get my credit card to work again in QuickBooks online?

To reconnect the credit card, you must first disconnect the account and then reconnect it. To reconnect the credit card information, follow the instructions below:
💠 Disconnecting Procedures:
🔸 From the left menu, choose Transactions
🔸 Select the Banking option from the drop-down menu
🔸 Select the account that needs to be updated
🔸 Select Edit from the drop-down menu
🔸 Select Edit account information
🔸 In the Account window, on the “Save” button, click “Disconnect this account”
🔸 At last, click the “Save & Close” button.
💠 Procedures for reconnection:
🔸 From the left menu, choose Transactions
🔸 Select the Banking option from the drop-down menu
🔸 Click the option that says “Connect Account”
🔸 Fill in the bank account information
🔸 In the end, select the “Connect” from Accounting Problem the drop-down menu.

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