QuickBooks Backup Failed Unable to Restore Company File

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QuickBooks accounting solutions offer effective and simple file backups for protecting your data, in the events of a hard drive crash or a system failure. The data that is backed up, will be stored as a QBW format, which can be used later on, whenever required. Call in the QuickBooks customer care support for more details on the file backups and the way the operation can be performed to store your files safely.

Causes of QuickBooks Unable to Restore the Backup File

Sometimes, the users may come across problems related to restoration of back-up files. The error message QuickBooks Unable to Restore the Backup File can indicate that there is an issue somewhere in the system and requires attention. Although not a very common error, it can occur due to the below mentioned reasons:

  • Difference in the versions of back-up files and presents QuickBooks software – the backup files belong to the earlier version, but you have the new version installed in the system, then there might be a compatibility issue.
  • Data has become corrupted – in such cases, you will not be able to back up the files required.

Whatever the reason for the error, it can be fixed through different solutions. Alternatively, placing a call to our QuickBooks technical support team can help resolve the issue effectively.

Video Tutorial for How to Restore QuickBooks Backup File

Steps to Fix QuickBooks Unable To Restore Backup File

Total Time: 35 minutes

Resolve the Compatibility Issue

πŸ”Ά Go to the QuickBooks start screen, and click on β€˜FILE’
πŸ”Ά This will lead to BROWSE option, where you can click on files that needs backup on the computer or a disk drive. (Alternatively, press F3 to find the appropriate files to backup)
πŸ”Ά Now, give a new file name, with .qbw extension to make it compatible with the new version of QuickBooks installed.
πŸ”Ά Click β€˜SAVE’ and β€˜OK’ to complete the backup.
πŸ”Ά The file, with the new extension will now be able to restore, and will be compatible with the new version of QuickBooks installed.
πŸ”Ά In case the problem still persists, and you are not able to restore the backup files, call the experts at QuickBooks Pro Support for help and assistance.

Manually Restoring Back-Up

πŸ”Ά Manual restoration of files is possible, when you have already done the back up of the files required. Restoration process will overwrite any data already present, with the new one, as aa backup copy. To do this:
πŸ”Ά Go to FILE on the QuickBooks menu, and click on β€˜OPEN OR RESTORE COMPANY FILES’
πŸ”Ά From the options provided, click on β€˜RESTORE A BACKUP COPY’ to restore, and then select NEXT
πŸ”Ά For the question where backup is stored, click on β€˜LOCAL BACKUP’ or the β€˜ONLINE BACKUP’ as required.
πŸ”Ά Click on NEXT < OPEN BACKUP COPY and OPEN on the dialogue box, to OPEN or RESTORE the company files.

For problems related to not able to back-up data, you can try on the following resolutions to fix the issue-

πŸ”Ά The company data can be rebuilt by clicking β€˜FILE<UTILITIES<REBUILD DATA’ to fix problems related to restoration of files.
πŸ”Ά Back-up files to the β€˜LOCAL HARD DRIVE’ rather than cloud, USB drive or external drives, to ensure the connectivity issues do not interfere with restoration of back-up of files.

Backing up data files is a safety feature that enables a user to get back the files that may be lost due to various reasons such as a system failure or so on. Hence, ensure that your files are backed up and safe for restoration, when required. Call in our QuickBooks technical assistance team to get all the details regarding QuickBooks Unable to Restore the Backup File process. Our QuickBooks Enterprise Support team will guide you towards the necessary steps to be followed for backing up your essential data for future use, whenever necessary.

