Fix QuickBooks Unable to Connect to Remote Server

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QuickBooks software is a very useful tool to take care of all accounting requirements of small and medium-sized businesses. Although the software works uninterrupted, at times, one may get an error such as ‘QuickBooks unable to connect to the remote server’ or an email server.

Causes of Unable to Connect to Remote Server

  • A third party firewall which is installed on the network.
  • Server connection is lost or not set up properly.
  • QuickBooks database server manager is not able to run on the server due to server condition is bad.

The best possible solution is to call the QuickBooks technical support team or the Accounting hub technical support to learn about the issue and resolve it immediately. You can also use the following solutions to check if the ‘QuickBooks Unable to connect to remote server’ error can be removed at your end.

Steps to Fix QuickBooks Error Unable to Connect to Remote Server

This QuickBooks error, ‘unable to connect to remote server’ or Unable to connect to email server’ can arise due to several reasons and some of the primary ones include:

🔶 Firewalls – A third party firewall, which is installed in the network is interfering with the connections
🔶 There is a problem with the server connections or the connections are lost
🔶 The server is not able to support or run QuickBooks database server manager

Total Time: 35 minutes

Configuring Windows for the Third Party Firewall

The firewall set-up in the windows might interfere with the connections to the remote server. To remove or deactivate:

🔶 Check the firewall and internet settings and read the detailed instructions provided.
🔶 In the firewall settings, remove or ‘Exempt’ QuickBooks from the firewall interference, to connect to the remote server

Update QuickBooks

QuickBooks sends constant updates for the software installed. Each time an update is sent, ensure that you download and update the software to get 100% usage of the product.

🔶 On QuickBooks page, go to ‘UPDATES’ and select the product you want to update
🔶 Click ‘DOWNLOAD UPDATES’ and install the latest updates.
🔶 This will allow you to connect to the remote server

Change Webmail Preferences

🔶 Go to QuickBooks ‘EDIT MENU
🔶 Click on ‘SEND FORMS‘ on the left-hand side and select the ‘EMAIL ACCOUNT‘ under ‘MY PREFERENCES‘ and click ‘EDIT
🔶 Now, go to SMTP SERVER DETAILS section. On the ‘EDIT EMAIL INFO‘ screen, you need to set the ‘SERVER NAME‘ and ‘PORT‘ to the preferred email provider settings.

Change Internet Explorer to Default Settings

🔶 Click open the ‘Internet Explorer’ and select ‘TOOLS’ menu or click ‘ALT + T
🔶 Click ‘OK’ and check if the error is resolved.

Network Data file or ND files Options

.ND file or the Network data file of QuickBooks software has all information regarding the computer that hosts the company file. The file is automatically created, when a scanning is done to the folder or a company file is opened.

🔶 Press the ‘WINDOWS’ key on the keyboard and key in the words ‘QuickBooks Database Server Manager’.
🔶 Click ‘ADD FOLDER’ in the QuickBooks Database server manager, and browse through to find the location of ‘Company file’ folder.
🔶 Click ‘SCAN’, once all folders are added. Once scanning is complete, you will find ‘QUICKBOOKS COMPANY FILES FOUND’ section.
🔶 Now, verify the .nd files for every file, by clicking on the location of company file.

Contact Accounting Problem for QuickBooks Support

The above resolutions can be done to resolve the ‘unable to connect to remote server’ issue. If this has not resolved the issue, you can call our QuickBooks technical support team for more details and aid in fixing the issue. The helps users to connect directly with the experts and to troubleshoot the problems immediately. The Quickbooks professionals are available in these help-desk numbers 24/7 to provide product help or any other assistance required. Call on the toll free Quickbooks Support Phone Number to enjoy an uninterrupted service.

