Create Company File in QuickBooks Desktop

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QuickBooks desktop offers innumerable ways to keep your accounting related works streamlined and up-to-date. If you are a new user to QuickBooks, one of the foremost things that need to be done is to know ‘How to Create Company File in QuickBooks Desktop. This allows you to let your business and its finance-related work included in the QuickBooks software and thereby helping you to utilize the software to its maximum capacity.

One thing that needs to be addressed here is whether you want to create a new company file, all from the scratch or you would like to convert the records already present in your database into QuickBooks. QuickBooks allows you to create a company file to begin using the software or it also lets you convert or upgrade the company file, as per your requirement. First, let us look at how to Create QuickBooks desktop company files from scratch. For any queries regarding the same, you can also contact the QuickBooks technical team to assist you in the process.

Steps for Create Company File in QuickBooks Desktop

  1. To start with, open the QuickBooks software.
  2. Select ‘CREATE A NEW COMPANY’ on the ‘No company’ window.
  3. Now, there are two options available- EXPRESS START and the DETAILED START. Click on any one of them, and start working as per the below-mentioned steps
  • Once you click on EXPRESS START, a ‘QUICKBOOKS SETUP‘ window will open up. Fill in the required information. Here, you have the option of selecting ‘HELP ME CHOOSE‘ and look at each business type and then pick one from the choices.
  • Now, select ‘CREATE COMPANY‘ and give an appropriate name for the company file. Note that when you select a company file name, do not give the same name of the file, if there is one already present in your system. If done, any data in the company file already present in your database (other than QuickBooks) will be lost.
  • Once the COMPANY FILE is created, you can add your customers, any services or the chart of accounts, as per the requirement. You can also start adding the services by clicking on ‘START WORKING’ at a later date.
  • For the ‘DETAILED START’ option, click on the option, and fill information on the ‘EASY STEP INTERVIEW’ window that opens up. Again, take care to give a different ‘NAME’ to the company file, other than the one present in your database.
  • Now, once you have filled up the details, click; NEXT‘. It will prompt you to select an industry – do it and click ‘NEXT‘.
  • Again here, select the type of business from the list, and select ‘NEXT’ to continue.
  • Now, set the date to the ‘FIRST MONTH’ of the fiscal year, and click ‘NEXT
  • This will take you to a prompt asking to set your PASSWORD. This is the ‘QUICKBOOKS ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD’ which you will be using every time. Key in a PASSWORD, and click ‘NEXT
  • Now, select the file location where it needs to be SAVED and click ‘SAVE’.
  • The QuickBooks software allows you to customize the file as per your necessity. You can do that by clicking ‘NEXT’ or just ‘LEAVE’ to come back later to modify it.

Accounting Problem QuickBooks Help-Desk

Any of the two above-mentioned ways will let you create a company file from scratch. Once this is done, you are all set to start working on the QuickBooks desktop software. Since creating a company file is the foremost necessity, any problems related to it should be solved immediately. Call in the QuickBooks Online Support team to get assistance from the expert helpdesk. The QuickBooks Enterprise Support tech team will be able to help you with anything related to the software and its products. Call Quickbooks Support Phone Number the QuickBooks experts team any time of the day, to instantly resolve any issue pertaining to the software.

