Quickbooks Crashes when Closing Company File

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Errors related to QuickBooks crash when closing company file:

There are many cases we have received of such issues where QuickBooks crashes when the user closes the company file. The main reason for the cause is the loss of connection between QuickBooks and company file. It shows the error message, “Close QuickBooks immediately, unsaved data needs to be re-entered.“ The software or the system may also flash any random error code or message.

Causes of QuickBooks Crashes when Closing Company File

  1. Multiple windows are opened and the user is randomly working on the sales order or invoices.
  2. Working on several reports also increases the workload of the domains
  3. Large mailing reports.
  4. Report center with inventory management is creating an issue.

Step by Step Guide to fix QuickBooks Crashes when Closing Company File

Total Time: 25 minutes

Close all the Windows One by One

When too many windows are opened in your system, it may lead to system and application crash. Try to close all the windows one by one by clicking on the X button at the top. Don’t give it multiple clicks. Give it a single click and wait for the system to respond.

Suppress the Desktop

Suppressing the desktop actually helps you understand whether the problem is with the program, data or with the network or at the user’s end. Press and hold the Ctrl key and double click on the QB icon. If the program doesn’t open successfully, there is a problem with the network.

Test the Sample Company

Test the sample company and spot the corrupted or damaged file. Now, to open the sample company,
💠 Select “Open a sample file.” A drop-down list will appear, open the first company that appears on the list. Select the right file type.
💠 If you don’t observe any issue, follow the steps mentioned below.
💠 Select the Edit button → Preferences → Click on Desktop View → Select “Don’t save the desktop” → Click on OK.

If there occurs no issue and QuickBooks crashes when the user tries to open the company file. Then the program will be damaged.

If the issue Occurs with the File

💠 Sign-in your system as an Administrator
💠 Open the single-user mode and click on the file
💠 Select Utilities → Click on Verify Data → Wait for the verify utility to complete and then check the errors.
💠 Now, resolve the issue with the corrupted file.

If you are still facing Quickbooks crashes when closing company file errors, call us on or click on QuickBooks Live Chat option we have on our website. You can connect with us via our Official Email Address support@usingpos.com.

