How to Create Cash Disbursements Journal in QuickBooks

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If you need a detailed report of all the cheques you’ve created for a specific time period, then you need to create a cash disbursements journal report in QuickBooks. The report contains details such as the subtotal for each payee along with the grand total provided at the bottom.

Create a Cash Disbursements Journal Report in QuickBooks

Follow The Given Steps For Cash Disbursements Journal Report In QuickBooks :

1. Go to the home screen and click on Reports.
2. Select Custom Reports.
3. Click on Transaction Detail.
4. Input the date range for which you want the report.
5. Mark the checkbox against the following options:
6. You can select the criteria on the basis of which the grand total will be calculated. To do so, click on Total by and select one of the following options:
✔. Payee
✔. Account
✔. Month
7. From the filters tab, configure the following options:
✔. Select the Transaction Type from the filter list.
✔. Click on the Transaction Type dropdown menu.
✔. Select Multiple Transaction.
✔. Mark the checkbox against the following options:
i. Bill Payment
ii. Payroll Payment
iv.Liability Payment
v. Sales Tax Payment
8. Click on ok.
9. Select the level of detail you want by clicking on Detail Level. We recommend that you select Summary Only.
10. Review your preferences, then hit Ok.

Sometimes in QuickBooks, you can have multiple accounts impacted by a single transaction. These accounts are known as split accounts. In the cash disbursements journal report, not all split accounts are details. However, whenever there are split accounts associated with a transaction, the report will mention it with the keyword SPLIT.

